Introducing… “How’d You Put That Together?”

Happy Monday everyone! I hope that your weekends were all that you’d hope they would be. So, tomorrow marks the first of many new things to come for OCFH. I have spent a lot of time brainstorming different ways to improve Oh CHIC Fancy Huh so that all of my Chic Fancy readers can have a more enjoyable and informational experience on your visits.

Have you ever had that one friend or style blogger crush that makes any outfit look effortless and chic and all you want to say is, “Girl, spill the beans, How’d you put that together?” I know I have!

“How’d you put that together?” is a new weekly series that will feature other style bloggers and stylish individuals who will explain how they put a certain look together. This new series will be a way for you all to have access to various style inspirations to pull from when cultivating and improving your own personal style.

I have a great line up of amazing blogger babes that will be featured, so stay tuned! The very first “How’d you put that together” feature goes live in less than 24 hours! 🙂

Peace Love Style,


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