Meshed Martini with a Twist

To say we were experiencing a heat wave is an understatement. This weekend I baked and broiled my way through the city and made sure I did it as cool as possible. I attended the Lily Kai Vintage Style Suite this weekend at the Buckhead Bottle Bar. I shopped, I drank, I ate and had a great time spending time with some of the fashionable women of Atlanta. It was so hot I left my camera in the car and didn’t get one shot of the fab event and I’m a little upset about that. Nontheless I really enjoyed myself and here is what I wore 🙂

What I am wearing:

I am thrifted from head to toe. I randomly have these style epiphanies that can’t be found in an average everyday go to shops. So I take to consignment shops and thrift stores to find a unique piece to display my random style idea.

I wanted to make my look pop and slightly more festive so I added my martini print scarf. This scarf brought a little life to an overall clean look and it also saved the fate of my neck from the heat. If I wore my hair down I am sure my neck would have fallen off. These sexy ankle strap sandals complimented the less is more mood of this look and paired nicely with the unique woven clutch. I really love how the look came together. What do you guys think?

Thanks everyone for stopping by! Enjoy your Monday! And Happy holidays 🙂

Peace Love Style,


8 thoughts on “Meshed Martini with a Twist

  1. You look fabulous! White looks so amazing on your skin. I’m glad you’re managing to brave the heat :-).

  2. Thrifted head to toe!!! i can’t even believe that, I never find cute stuff like this, that dress is sooooo perfect!!

    • Thank you! I love thrifting I always find unique pieces. The trick is trying to find the beauty in items that aren’t perfect but can be tweaked to your style 🙂 keep trying I’m sure you’ll run up on something soon enough:)

  3. Wow! You look soooo stylish hunny! really cant believe u are thrifted from head to toe! wow. those shoes look brand new or at least fairly new! Cute!

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